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    Home » Files » Applications

    Psiphon 3
    (2.73 Mb) ] 08/Aug/2014, 3:43 AM

    What is Psiphon 3?

    Psiphon 3 is a circumvention tool from Psiphon Inc. that utilizes VPN, SSH and HTTP Proxy technology to provide you with uncensored access to Internet content. Your Psiphon 3 client will automatically learn about new access points to maximize your chances of bypassing censorship.

    Psiphon 3 is designed to provide you with open access to online content. Psiphon does not increase your online privacy, and should not be considered or used as an online security tool.

    What user information does Psiphon 3 collect?

    We collect the following data to find out how well Psiphon is working, what sites are popular and what propagation strategies are effective. This information is shared with our partners so that they can see, for example, how often their sites are visited through Psiphon and from which countries.


    • Number of email requests for client download link
    • Number of upgrades
    • How often each protocol is used, and error codes after failure
    • How often new servers are discovered
    • Session count and session duration
    • Page views (full page URLs for sponsor web sites)
    • Bytes transferred
    • Number of HTTPS requests
    • Client platform (simplified operating system list; e.g, not a detailed browser user agent)


    User IP addresses and email addresses are never collected; users are not required to create accounts to use the system.

    Event logs include timestamps, region codes (GeoIP country code) and non-identifying attributes including sponsor ID (determined by which Psiphon client is used), client version, and protocol type. Page views are aggregated by time and/or session before being logged.

    Category: Applications | Added by: sault73 | Tags: aplicaciones
    Views: 3570 | Downloads: 923 | Rating: 4.0/1
    Total comments: 0