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    Home » Files » Programs

    Reaper 4
    · (9.6 MB) · Screenshot ] 23/Aug/2014, 8:15 AM

     What is REAPER?

    REAPER is a DAW (Digital Audio Workstation) software a complete multitrack audio and MIDI recording, editing, processing, mixing, and mastering environment. 

    Record audio and MIDI from multiple inputs simultaneously Layer recorded tracks and takes over previous recordings

    Edit recordings in almost any imaginable way Hundreds of audio and MIDI processing effects included, or choose from thousands of third-party effects All editing and effects are completely non-destructive

    REAPER works with almost any hardware and can be used in combination with a vast universe of other software and plug-ins. 
    Take advantage of REAPER's full functionality using only your current computer and a microphone, or use REAPER to drive an entire professional recording studio. 


    REAPER 4

    REAPER updates are evolutionary. REAPER 4 is not a radically new experience from REAPER 3, but adds a number of useful new features, ease of use improvements, and even more of that legendary REAPER customizability.
    Category: Programs | Added by: sault73
    Views: 1864 | Downloads: 654 | Rating: 2.0/1
    Total comments: 0